BRICKED: a team of restoration professionals from Cluj-Napoca are saving the old bricks of Transylvania, bringing them back to life in new architectural projects


“BRICKED – Saved bricks of Transylvania”, a workshop located in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, specializes in recovering the most authentic bricks from the old buildings in Transylvania, bringing them back to life in new architectural projects.

BRICKED was founded in 2019 when Codrut Bogdan and Dani Cardei decided to share with the world their passion for old bricks, restoration and constructions with “character”. BRICKED is also the first Romanian brand dedicated exclusively to the recovery, restoration and reuse of old, original bricks from Transylvania.

“We maintain the original appearance of the bricks by giving them each individual care. We offer decades old bricks a second life to last for many other decades, we hope. The restoration work requires qualified staff with an artist’s soul, to treat each piece with the due respect., says Codruț Bogdan, one of the founders of BRICKED.

Over 50,000 bricks already recovered and reused in different new projects

The bricks, some centuries old, are saved from demolished or abandoned buildings. Arriving in the workshop, the bricks are sliced, processed and prepared to beautify the exteriors of buildings, make tasteful interiors and ornamental walls.

BRICKED’s team has recovered so far more than 50,000 bricks which have been used in projects totaling nearly 3,000 square meters. And over 100 satisfied customers.

“Recover, restore and reuse”

In starting the BRICKED project, the founders were motivated and encouraged by a growing segment of customers with a new mindset on the use of old building materials, recovered from the demolition of historic buildings.

“We want to promote sustainable systems and products, making an impact on the environment as low as possible. We desire to be part of a circular economy based on respect for natural products, artisanal processes and existing resources. We want to sound the alarm about the negative effect that products that constantly require excessive exploitation of natural and human resources have. That is why our slogan is ‘Recover, restore and reuse’. This is the foundation of our thinking and actions regarding the available natural and human resources.”, adds Codruț, co-founder of BRICKED.

A social enterprise in which half of the employees come from disadvantaged backgrounds

The BRICKED team consists of people, as they say about themselves, “enchanted” by the charm of old bricks. Each of the 7 team members has a long relationship with the world of art, architecture and restoration of old objects. Some of them have been recovering and restoring bricks for more than 10 years. The company is also a social enterprise in which half of the employees come from disadvantaged backgrounds, but with extensive experience in recovering bricks from demolition.

“We consider ourselves artisans, ‘jewelers’, always attracted by the creative act, we are constantly looking for new ideas and new ways to process this valuable raw material, which we call ‘brick gold’. The old bricks are a sufficiently untapped resource, we want to raise them to the rank of precious materials”, adds Codrut.

BRICKED’s ideas for brick designs are on display in a showroom in Cluj-Napoca, where one can see in detail the shades, sizes and shapes of the bricks available. More information is also available online, on

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